Järvevana tee 9,
Tallinn-11314, Estonia

Respi Shield-Forte


It is indicated for the prevention of respiratory problems especially related with bronchial plugs and it strengthens the protective mechanism & functioning of respiratory system. It is useful in CDR, Infectious Bronchitis, influenza and related respiratory diseases.
It prevents & treats respiratory disease complex like Broncho-pneumonia & Infectious Sinusitis.
It is also effective in respiratory & associated symptoms like cough, nasal discharge, tracheal rales, gasping & labored breathing. It is effective during pre & post vaccination therapy of New Castle Disease. It stimulates the appetite and enhances the overall performance.

Dosage and Administration: Poultry: 1ml / 4 liter of drinking water for 3-5 days


Use fresh medicated water daily.
Store at Room Temperature.
Avoid exposure to Sunlight.
Keep out of reach of children.

1 Liter Bottle

Price :


Ingredients Amount
Bromhexine HCl 10000 mg
Paracetamol 80000 mg
Thymol oil 10000 mg
Menthol 20000 mg
Eucalyptus oil 20000 mg
Vitamin C 50000 mg
Ambroxol HCl 20000 mg
Aminophyline 30000 mg
Sorbitol 5000 mg